Last updated: July 1, 2021
OPEN - click on facility for more information
Army Community Service (ACS)
Satellite Office Hohenfels is open.
Services provided will be Information and Referral, In/Out Processing, Lending Closet, Employment Readiness, Family Advocacy services, Financial Counseling and Army Emergency Relief (AER).
- All classes and trainings will be available face to face (following approved) Risk Mitigation Plan, virtual or a combination of in person/virtual (Hybrid).
Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) -- Virtual telehealth and or face to face for individuals and Families, no group presentations unless it is virtual.
- Army Lodging Hohenfels
*Open - COVID-19 precautionary measures apply.
- Arts & Crafts Center
*By appointment only for framing, engraving and embroidery services.
- Automotive Skills Center
*Service is first come, first served, six bays open, limit two customers per bay -- maximum twelve in the main facility and two in the annex. Carwash is open.
- Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)
CYS Youth Sports & Fitness
Emergency Placement Care
Parent & Outreach Services
Register - Parent Central Services
School Liaison Officer (SLO)
SKIESUnlimited -Instructional Programs
Youth Center
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Hours of operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
10 a.m. - noon Walk-ins and Noon - 2 p.m. Appointment only
Appointments can be made by email or phone.
Note: Closed Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday and Federal Holidays
CLOSED until further notice
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