Home Based Business (HBB)
Are you considering operating an on-post HBB? We can get you started!

Sep 25 2023, 1 pm - 2:30 pm
Sep 25 2023, 1 pm - 2:30 pm
The class provides an overview of the Home Based Business (HBB) and Commercial Solicitation (CS) program determination process and requirements. Attendees will also learn about the different HBB and CS entities types that need approval by USAG Bavaria Command. This is open to Military personnel, DOD civilian employees and their family members interested in providing goods and services to other U.S. forces members and affiliates.
Home Based Businesses (HBBs) are an important contributor to Army Family quality of life.
Free to participate.
Registration Information
Registration is required 48 hours prior. Access information will be provided at time of registration. Please contact your local ACS Office for more information. To register call: 09641-70-599-1101
ACS - Army Community Service
Military DSN (314) 522-4860