An official army family and MWR Site

Army Family Team Building

Join ACS for this 10-part series of classes on Army Family Team Building 

Note: This event has already passed.

Jan. 17 - Army Family Team Building K1 & K2                                                                                     LOCATION: Virtual, TIME: Times Vary

K1 - Military Life…What does it Mean?" Understand the mission, commitment required, and challenges of military life in order to define realistic expectations to positively impact their Military experience.

K2 - Military Acronyms and Terms"- able to communicate effectively using military specific acronyms, terms and time with Army personnel, DA Civilians and contractors in a Military environment.

Jan. 19 - Army Family Team Building K3 & K8                                                                                    LOCATION: Virtual, TIME: Times Vary

K3- Chain of Command - comprehend military structure including rank, chain of command, and basic unit
organization to successfully interact within the military community.

K8- Introduction to Soldier and Family Readiness- understand the mission; structure and purpose of the soldier and Family Readiness Group (SFRG), identifying the benefits SFRGs bring to the total Military Community.

Jan. 24 - Army Family Team Building K4 & K5                                                                                    LOCATION: Virtual, TIME: Times Vary 

K4-Customs, Courtesies, Ceremonies, and Traditions- describe and select military and community resources
appropriate to meet various life situations.

K5-Military Social Functions -apply the skills needed to assist in feeling comfortable with social aspects of the military lifestyle.

Jan. 26 - Army Family Team Building K6 & K7                                                                                     LOCATION: Virtual, TIME: Times Vary

K6-Military Benefits and Entitlements -differentiate between available benefits and provided entitlements to select the most favorable to meet individual needs.

K7-Introduction to Military and Civilian Community Resources-describe and select military and community resources appropriate to meet various life situations.

Jan. 31- Army Family Team Building K9 & K10                                                                                    LOCATION: Virtual, TIME: Times Vary 

K9-Military Family Preparedness -discuss the importance of family preparedness including legal preparation,
financial preparation, preparing for emergencies and maintaining accurate record keeping of important documents.

K10- Resiliency, Be the Bouncing Ball -discuss definition and characteristics of resilience and develop strategies to increase personal resilience.


Free to participate 

Registration Information

Register 2 days prior to event 

  • ACS - Army Community Service
  • Closed July 31 for Hohenfels Org Day, on this day ACS Contracted Services still available (Information and Referral, Lending Closet, New Parent Support, FAP VA, FAP Education/Training and MFLC, AER satellite from Vilseck)
  • Military DSN (314) 522-4860
  • Hours:
    Federal Holidays
    Training Holidays